We held a healthcare workshop with local healthcare professionals presenting about their services. The following document is taken from notes taken at the workshop in September 2023 while our panel members were speaking.
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We held a healthcare workshop with local healthcare professionals presenting about their services. The following document is taken from notes taken at the workshop in September 2023 while our panel members were speaking.
Tags: doctor, Gp, healthcare, hospital, learning disability
Information about prescription charges and other healthcare costs for disabled young people. Having a disability and / or still being at school do not automatically entitle a young person to free prescriptions or help with other healthcare costs.
Tags: charges, nhs, Prescriptions
Heath checks are important for everyone and quite likely more so for our disabled young people. The following notes were made from the slides presented at the webinar which was commissioned by Health Education for England and the Department for Health and Social Care.
We held a workshop about dental care for disabled young people. Managing proper dental care can be challenging for some of our young people.
Tags: dental care, Teeth
This document is about the CAMHS tiers, the needs supported by each tier and who manages each tier – or where the support is likely to come from at each tier. It includes links to websites about CAMHS in our local area and to local mental health organisations who can support your young person and you.
Tags: Camhs, early help, intervention, specialist, tiers
Jargon can be confusing at the best of times. This is a guide from Richmond Borough Mind with definitions of terms you may hear when engaging with mental health professionals.
Tags: abbreviations, acronyms, Jargon, mental health
Healthwatch are local health and social care champions. I don’t know if every borough has a Healthwatch but it does appear to be the case. I have included links to Healthwatch in our neighbouring boroughs.
Tags: healthwatch
Information from mental health organisations about Community Treatment Orders. If you have been detained in hospital because of your mental health needs you may be discharged with a community treatment order. This means that you can continue to be treated in the community under supervision.
Tags: community health order, CTO, mental health
These are two guides - one for Richmond and one for Kingston - created by Ruils members with lived experience of local mental health support services.
Tags: mental health
This is an overview of the process a person will go through to establish if they are eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC).
Tags: chc, checklist, continuing care, continuing healthcare, nhs