The Disabled Students’ Allowance is a grant to support disabled students with additional costs they might have at university because of their disability
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Information and resources about post 16 educational placements and employment options, including info about skills and qualifications, EHCPs, and transport options for post 16 and post 18 young people to their chosen college.
The Disabled Students’ Allowance is a grant to support disabled students with additional costs they might have at university because of their disability
You may hear the term ‘reasonable adjustments’ in relation to a workplace. The term has no absolute definition so what is reasonable in one setting may not be in another. This document provides links to a few organisations with information you might find helpful when thinking about adjustments in the workplace that will help you and what might be considered reasonable.
Tags: reasonable adjustments, workplace
This document is an anonymised copy of an EHCP a parent had written privately, as the young person approached post 19 education. The young person involved is severely learning disabled but it might be helpful to see the language used, how the young person’s needs are described, the detail of the outcomes and how the provision is written regardless of your young person’s needs.
Tags: ehcp
This document contains links to other documents about or relevant to school transport.
Tags: school transport
A quick overview of types of schools and what that means about who has authority, whether they follow the national curriculum, etc
Tags: school
This document contains information gleaned from the internet about what is termed ‘school refusal’, which is a complex and often misunderstood situation.
This document is a parent report on their experience of obtaining the right placement for their young person and has excellent information about costs of schools, transport and presenting your case. This is a parent experience but this is a parent who has educated herself about the law that applies to schools placements, transport, reasonable costs, etc.
Tags: school
Guidance for governing bodies of maintained schools and proprietors of academies in England – both statutory and non-statutory guidance. It was produced in December 2015 and there don’t seem to be any updates. The document contains statutory guidance and non-statutory advice. The purpose of the document is to support relevant organisations to support pupils at school who have medical conditions.
Links to the AfC Local Offer pages on employment and training options for young people post 16. All young people in year 11 with an EHCP should be offered a Next Steps interview.
Tags: Post 16
This document provides information about BTECs, the various levels and how they compare to other qualifications. Structures and qualifications can change so do check that this information is still current.
Tags: qualifications
Links to documents produced by the Council for Disabled Children (CDC) around EHCPs from year 9.
Tags: annual review, ehcp
Extracts from a guide about SEN Law written by a specialist legal firm relating to the terms waking day curriculum / 24 hour curriculum. It may be one of the reasons you are requesting a residential placement for your young person. Full document on the above link.