This is a resource, created by AfC, of real life examples of adjustments that have been made for a student with additional support needs which might help you think about what your young person needs.
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Information and resources about post 16 educational placements and employment options, including info about skills and qualifications, EHCPs, and transport options for post 16 and post 18 young people to their chosen college.
This is a resource, created by AfC, of real life examples of adjustments that have been made for a student with additional support needs which might help you think about what your young person needs.
The guide, written by a specialist law firm, sets out SEN law as it applies in England. The guide has been around for 15+ years and underwent a major update in 2022. It is intended to be as straightforward a guide to SEN law as possible.
Tags: sen law
The Department for Education issued new guidance on school transport in June 2023: Travel to school for children of compulsory school age: Statutory guidance for local authorities (pdf). Although the underlying law (s508 Education Act 1996) has not changed since it was inserted into the Act in 2006, this is the third version of the guidance that has been issued.
This document is aimed at giving you a quick and easy comparison of the variety of study routes and levels of study available to students in England and how they compare to each other.
This document is about specialist mentoring - one of the support options a student with additional support needs may need at university to manage their studies.
Tags: Mentoring, specialist mentoring, Support, university
This document gives an example of the information you will need to provide to book your Needs Assessment and how to prepare for the assessment.
Tags: Assessment, Needs
You can download this guide as a pdf or word document. It is, as it says on the cover, a guide to additional support in higher education. It’s a long document but it covers a lot of ground and includes experiences from students with disabilities and medical needs.