These are the speaker notes from a workshop delivered by Bright Futures about supported and independent living.
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The documents in this category are the notes I work from when presenting workshops. The notes are comprehensive but are subject to frequent small changes as I learn new things each time I present a workshop!
These are the speaker notes from a workshop delivered by Bright Futures about supported and independent living.
Notes from a workshop about tertiary education options for young people post 16, including ‘work’ options such as supported internships and apprenticeships.
This workshop is expanding on the financial topics touched on in our All Kinds of Everything workshop. You should note that I am not a financial or legal expert and that as family circumstances are going to vary you may need to consult a solicitor or financial advisor to ensure you have the correct information for your circumstances.
Tags: appointee, benefits, deputyship, mental capacity, power of attorney, trusts, wills
Understanding the mental capacity act and how it applies to decisions made by or for our young people is essential. This document comprises the notes used by Bright Futures to deliver a workshop to parents.
Tags: decision making, mental capacity
To quote a well known quote this document is about ‘known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns’ around SEND Transitions. As a workshop it is a light touch run through the many changes that might come your way when your young person approaches adulthood – raising awareness of what you might need to know. The following are the speaker notes from the workshop.
Tags: appointee, benefits, deputyships, education, ehcp, healthcare, pip, PoA, power of attorney, social care, trusts, uc, universal credit, wills
Teresa Jones, Mencap, and Sue Robson delivered a workshop in January 2022, repeating in January 2024, about how to go about researching colleges. This document is drawn from the slides and speaker notes of that workshop.