Links to the AfC Local Offer pages on employment and training options for young people post 16. All young people in year 11 with an EHCP should be offered a Next Steps interview.
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Information and resources about post 16 educational placements and employment options, including info about skills and qualifications, EHCPs, and transport options for post 16 and post 18 young people to their chosen college.
Links to the AfC Local Offer pages on employment and training options for young people post 16. All young people in year 11 with an EHCP should be offered a Next Steps interview.
This document provides information about BTECs, the various levels and how they compare to other qualifications. Structures and qualifications can change so do check that this information is still current.
Tags: btec, qualifications, skills
Links to documents produced by the Council for Disabled Children (CDC) around EHCPs from year 9.
Tags: annual review, ehcp, year 9
Extracts from a guide about SEN Law written by a specialist legal firm relating to the terms waking day curriculum / 24 hour curriculum. It may be one of the reasons you are requesting a residential placement for your young person. Full document on the above link.
A list of specialist colleges attended by young people from LB Richmond. I have provided some basic info about each college in this document.
Tags: college, local, natspec, specialist
This document has information about local colleges that can be accessed on a day basis from LB Richmond. Information has come from the college website
Tags: college, local, natspec, specialist
This is a privately written report by a clinical psychologist from the Down’s Syndrome Association to support Sue’s application for a residential college placement for her daughter (19 at the time of the report).
Teresa Jones, Mencap, and Sue Robson delivered a workshop in January 2022, repeating in January 2024, about how to go about researching colleges. This document is drawn from the slides and speaker notes of that workshop.
This is a document written by a parent to discuss what the terms 24 hour curriculum or waking day curriculum mean. These terms and what they mean are especially relevant for parents considering a residential college for their young person’s post 18 or post 19 educational placement.
This page contains links to Achieving for Children (AfC) local offer pages on Post 16 education options for all young people, including young people with a Disability.
A list of all independent schools and special post-16 institutions for children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) approved under section 41 of the Children and Families Act 2014 in England and Wales.
Tags: independent school, school, section 41
This is a resource, created by AfC, of real life examples of adjustments that have been made for a student with additional support needs which might help you think about what your young person needs.