Access to Work is a government funded programme providing practical and financial support to disabled people get or stay in work.
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Information and resources about post 16 educational placements and employment options, including info about skills and qualifications, EHCPs, and transport options for post 16 and post 18 young people to their chosen college.
Access to Work is a government funded programme providing practical and financial support to disabled people get or stay in work.
Tags: reasonable adjustments, work
A listing of the qualifications at each level, from entry level to level 8
Tags: qualifications
This document provides links to information about Functional Skills, the levels available and how they compare to other qualifications
Tags: qualifications
This document is aimed at giving you a quick and easy comparison of the variety of study routes and levels of study available to students in England and how they compare to each other.
Tags: qualifications
This document is about how to relate your personal experiences at school, home or in the workplace to a job or study placement that you are interested in.
Tags: life skills
Basically a list of some resources that might be helpful for young people on the autistic spectrum when looking for work. It includes information about supported internships.
Tags: asd, autistic, Employment, jobs, work
This is a link to the current version of the West London Alliance guide to local supported internships. It is a long document listing all the currently available supported internships in West London – it includes a map of locations.
Tags: supported internships
Supported Employment Services are usually commissioned by your local authority and their purpose is to support people with learning disabilities, mental health needs or autism find work suitable to their needs and ambitions. This document has links to services in some of our neighbouring boroughs.
Tags: supported employment
Choice Support is the supported employment service commissioned by Richmond and Wandsworth to provide support to disabled young people looking for work.
Tags: Employment, jobs, supported employment
Choice Support has been commissioned by Richmond and Wandsworth local authorities to support people with disabilities in these boroughs to find work.
This is a link to their easy read leaflets
Tags: easy read, jobs, supported employment, work
This is a long document! Produced by the NAS so aimed at people on the autistic spectrum but I would expect much of it will be relevant to people with other disabilities. It is a workbook broken down into chapters like choosing a suitable role, interviews, managing anxiety so you can quickly dip into sections that might be of specific relevance.
Tags: Employment, work
This is a link to the Choice Support referral form – the organisation commissioned by Richmond and Wandsworth to provide a supported employment service.
Tags: jobs, supported employment, work