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Transition Protocols and Pathways – Moving from Children’s to Adults Services
Updated: 17/02/25
Created: 24/07/2023, Bright Futures @Ruils
Who by? Richmond and Wandsworth Local Authorities
Why might it be of interest?
This is what Richmond and Wandsworth say they will be doing for or with your young person at each stage of transition for each of the above services. It starts at year 9 (age 14) and goes up to 18 or 19, depending on the service (and sometimes up to 25).
This document presents each service by age of the young person so you can read across each service to see what should be happening at that age on one page. It also has a glossary of organisations and teams and contact details
The Protocols and Pathways documents for each borough do cover a lot of the same ground but not entirely and the presentation is different.
It is well worth being familiar with what the LA say they are doing at each stage so you can check that what should be happening is in fact happening. Some of the actions may happen at school, for example, and you may not be aware that it has happened. Or something might not have happened and you want it to go ahead.
These documents are nearly always a work in progress as the LAs often review and update.
Richmond Transitions Protocol:
Wandsworth Transitions Protocol: https://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/media/9007/transitions_protocol.pdf
Richmond Transitions Pathways:
Wandsworth Transitions Pathways:
I have had a quick look to see if I can find similar documents for Hounslow and Ealing but there doesn’t seem to be an exact equivalent although both boroughs have information about SEND Transitions.
I don’t believe that the process can be so very different between local authorities so if you can’t find something similar in your borough it might be worth having a look at Richmond/Wandsworth documents as they will be a reasonably good guide as to what should be happening and when.
Categories: Education, Helpful Guides & Information
Tags: education, ehcp, health, school, school transport, social care, transitions