These are the speaker notes from a workshop delivered by Bright Futures about supported and independent living.
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These are the speaker notes from a workshop delivered by Bright Futures about supported and independent living.
This document consists of notes I have written up that reflect my understanding of exempt status, specified accommodation and supported living. I have also included extracts from a number of websites addressing these terms.
This is a document written by a parent to discuss what the terms 24 hour curriculum or waking day curriculum mean. These terms and what they mean are especially relevant for parents considering a residential college for their young person’s post 18 or post 19 educational placement.
The terms supported living and residential care mean different living arrangements but the differences – and similarities – are not always clear. This document sets out information about both and how they compare.
Tags: residential care, Supported living
While I was researching and working towards setting up Sophie’s supported living home with 2 other families I kept a book with all my notes as I went along.
This document is the outcome of research carried out by 3 parents of learning disabled young people who were interested in creating their own supported living provision for their young people.
Tags: care provider, housing, lease, parent commissioned, rent, Supported living
This resource provides and overview of what good support looks like in services for people with learning disabilities and/or autism.
This document is a planning tool for disabled young people who are at a residential college to support their return to home when their course finishes. It looks at preparing for employment, supported living, health and accessing the community.
It is written for those professionals who might be involved with your young person’s move from college to home – so that includes the college itself, social care, etc.
This is a sample of a housing needs assessment form. Sue Robson was sent this by the housing department of United Response when she started to discuss supported living with United Response. The form is intended to gather information about the housing needs of the young person.
Tags: housing, location, needs assessment, property, size, specification, Supported living