Discussing the difference between a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) and a Deputyship.
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Discussing the difference between a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) and a Deputyship.
Tags: deputyship, lasting power of attorney, lpa
This is a guide from hft who are on a mission to make lives of learning disabled people better. I regularly refer to their guide to the care act and this guide about money matters is equally good and easy to read.
A link to easy read guides from Mencap for people supporting a person making an LPA, the person making the LPA and the certificate provider. And a brief explanation about the difference between LPA and deputyship.
Tags: deputyship, easy read, lasting power of attorney, lpa
This document is a short overview of who can be an Attorney and the process. Please note: I have no legal experience. These are notes that I have written up following webinars aimed at parents and carers. They have not been checked by a solicitor.
Notes about Lasting Power of Attorney written up following webinars aimed at parents and carers. These notes contain quite a lot of detail. Please note: I have no legal experience. These are notes that I have written up following webinars aimed at parents and carers. They have not been checked by a solicitor.