This document is a quick overview about what a Limited Capability for Work (LCW) or a Limited Capability for Work Related Activities (LCWRA) means for a person applying for Universal Credit
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This document is a quick overview about what a Limited Capability for Work (LCW) or a Limited Capability for Work Related Activities (LCWRA) means for a person applying for Universal Credit
A basic overview based on a Disabled young person in their 20s. I have left out information that is not relevant, or not likely to be relevant, to such a person. Therefore, these notes are not, in any way comprehensive.
Tags: package, social care, uc, universal credit
This document is a short overview of who can be an Attorney and the process. Please note: I have no legal experience. These are notes that I have written up following webinars aimed at parents and carers. They have not been checked by a solicitor.
Notes about Lasting Power of Attorney written up following webinars aimed at parents and carers. These notes contain quite a lot of detail. Please note: I have no legal experience. These are notes that I have written up following webinars aimed at parents and carers. They have not been checked by a solicitor.
An overview guide to the PIP application and points awarded for each daily living and mobility activity. The PIP application form does not show the descriptors and points awarded for each descriptor and it can be helpful to know what these are when completing your form.
Tags: personal independence payment, pip
This document lists the descriptors and points allocated for each of the activities assessed on the Work Capability Assessment.
Information about when students and other young people can claim Universal Credit.
Overview notes about a Court of Protection Deputyship. These are notes that I have written up following webinars aimed at parents and carers. They have not been checked by a solicitor and I do not have legal experience. It is intended to be a quick overview. There is extensive information on the government website.
Notes from training about Court of Protection Deputyships – a bit more information than the Overview document. Please note: I have no legal experience. These are notes that I have written up following webinars aimed at parents and carers. They have not been checked by a solicitor. This document provides more information about the forms you need to complete for a deputyship application and the process.
This document has links to the various forms you will need to complete if you are making an application for a Deputyship for your young person.
This is a link to the national Mencap website where you can download a copy of their guide to making a will and setting up a trust.
Tags: disabled person, discretionary, trusts, wills
Information about guides available to help you complete your PIP form.
Tags: dla, personal independence payment, pip