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Functional Skills
Updated: 17/03/25
Created: 18/01/2023, Bright Futures @Ruils
Who by? Bright Futures @Ruils
Why might it be of interest?
Functional Skills are the fundamental ENGLISH, MATHS and ICT skills that people need for their working and personal lives. People can study for the qualifications in practical ways and apply core skills to real-life situations.
English and maths are essential subjects that are included in most training and education programmes. They are a required component of Diplomas, Foundation Learning Programmes and Apprenticeships. Functional Skills can be studied as stand-alone qualifications or as a stepping stone to GCSEs.
As many of our young people will be studying Maths, English, ICT at this level I thought it would be helpful to put together a short guide to what these levels mean and how they compare to levels you might be more aware of – eg GCSE grades.
If you would like to read in more detail about each topic you can do so here:
Functional Skills Levels
Functional Skills qualifications are available at Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, Level 1 and Level 2. As an approximate comparison, Entry Level 1 – 3 is below GCSE level, Level 1 is comparable to GCSE grades 1 – 3, and Level 2 is comparable to GCSE grade 4.
Functional Skills assessments are graded as either a ‘pass’ or ‘fail’. There are no proxies and no portfolio elements for these qualifications. All Entry Level examinations are paper based. They are assessed internally and are moderated by the centre.
Both Level 1 and Level 2 can be taken online or as a paper exam. Online exams can be taken on demand, but paper assessments must be taken during weeks set by the awarding body. Level 1 and Level 2 are externally assessed and carried out in exam conditions at the assessment centre.
Entry Level Learning levels:
- Entry level qualifications recognise basic knowledge and skills and the ability to apply learning in everyday situations under direct guidance or supervision
- Skills at this level are not usually geared towards specific occupations
- Entry level qualifications are about 2 steps below GCSE
- Level 1 qualifications are equivalent to the lower grades of GCSE
- Level 2 qualifications are equivalent to the higher GCSE grades
Entry level 1 maths: usually the level for students with SLD
- Add and subtract numbers up to 20
- Recognise shapes like triangles and rectangles
- User terms like above, below, left and right
Entry level 1 english:
- Read an advert or an email that has about 60 words and then answer questions
- Order letters of the alphabet
- Write a short note to a friend
- Choose the right spelling from a list (e.g. stope, stop or stopp)
- Use capital letters for names and to start sentences
Another way to get a feel for the level is:
- Year 1 is roughly equal to Entry Level 1
- Y2 & Y3 is roughly equal to Entry Level 2
- Y4 & Y5 is roughly equal to Entry Level 3
GCSE Grades for comparison
New Grade | Previous Grade |
9 | A* |
8 | A* |
7 | A |
6 | B |
5 | B / C |
4 | C |
3 | D / E |
2 | E / F |
1 | G |
U | U |
Purpose of Functional Skills English for Entry Levels: a qualification to demonstrate the ability at an appropriate level to read, write, speak, listen and communicate in English, and to apply this knowledge and these skills in familiar situations. Achievement of these qualifications can provide the basis for further study at Levels 1 and 2.
Purpose of Functional Skills English for Level 1 and Level 2: a qualification for work, study and life. Achievement of the qualification demonstrates the ability at an
appropriate level to read, write, speak, listen and communicate in English, and to apply these skills effectively to a range of purposes in the workplace and in other real life situations.
Speaking, listening and communicating’ within Functional Skills English qualifications is non-written communication, normally conducted face-to-face, and can also include ‘virtual’ communication methods such as telephone or spoken web-based technologies.
The terms ‘speaking, listening and communicating’ are intended to be interpreted in a broad, inclusive way and are not intended to create any unnecessary barriers to
students with speech or hearing impairment.
‘Reading’ within Functional Skills English qualifications is defined as the independent understanding of written language in specific contexts. This can be demonstrated through the use of texts on screen or on paper.
‘Writing’ within Functional Skills English qualifications is defined as the independent
construction of written language to communicate in specific contexts. Text can be
written on paper or electronically.
Purpose of Functional Skills Mathematics for Entry Levels: to demonstrate a sound grasp of the underpinning skills and basics of mathematical skills appropriate to the level, and the ability to apply mathematical thinking to solve simple problems in familiar situations. Achievement of these qualifications can provide the skills for further study at Levels 1 and 2.
Purpose of Functional Skills Mathematics for Level 1 and Level 2: a qualification for work, study and life. Achievement of the qualification demonstrates a sound grasp of mathematical skills at the appropriate level and the ability to apply mathematical thinking effectively to solve problems successfully in the workplace and in other real life situations.
Digital FSQs should fulfil the following purposes:
- provide reliable evidence of a student’s achievements against content that is relevant to the workplace and real life;
- provide assessment of a student’s knowledge and skills as well as their ability to apply these in different contexts
- provide a foundation for progression into employment or further education and develop skills for everyday life
Subject Content:
- Using devices and handling information
- Creating and editing
- Communicating
- Transacting
- Being safe and responsible online
At both levels, tasks and activities should be authentic and relevant to today’s
workplace and everyday life. These tasks and activities should require students to make connections between the skills areas set out in the content, therefore awarding
organisation specifications should encourage teachers to emphasise the
interconnectedness of these skills areas – for example, that being safe and responsible online is a consideration across all the other skills areas – and to consider the use of online delivery.
Progression between the levels should be evident in terms of:
- the complexity of the tasks and activities, and any related information
- the number of stages within tasks and activities
- the extent to which the requirement(s) is set out for, or has to be determined by, the learner
What do the levels mean?
Entry level: available at levels 1, 2 and 3
Entry level qualifications are:
- entry level award
- entry level certificate (ELC)
- entry level diploma
- entry level English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)
- entry level essential skills
- entry level functional skills
- Skills for Life
Level 1 qualifications:
- first certificate
- GCSE – grades 3, 2, 1 or grades D, E, F, G
- level 1 award
- level 1 certificate
- level 1 diploma
- level 1 ESOL
- level 1 essential skills
- level 1 functional skills
- level 1 national vocational qualification (NVQ)
- music grades 1, 2 and 3
Level 2 qualifications:
- CSE – grade 1
- GCSE – grades 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 or grades A*, A, B, C
- intermediate apprenticeship
- level 2 award
- level 2 certificate
- level 2 diploma
- level 2 ESOL
- level 2 essential skills
- level 2 functional skills
- level 2 national certificate
- level 2 national diploma
- level 2 NVQ
- music grades 4 and 5
- O level – grade A, B or C
Level 3 qualifications:
- A level
- access to higher education diploma
- advanced apprenticeship
- applied general
- AS level
- international Baccalaureate diploma
- level 3 award
- level 3 certificate
- level 3 diploma
- level 3 ESOL
- level 3 national certificate
- level 3 national diploma
- level 3 NVQ
- music grades 6, 7 and 8
- T Level
- tech level
Level 4 qualifications:
- certificate of higher education (CertHE)
- higher apprenticeship
- higher national certificate (HNC)
- level 4 award
- level 4 certificate
- level 4 diploma
- level 4 NVQ
Level 5 qualifications:
- diploma of higher education (DipHE)
- foundation degree
- higher national diploma (HND)
- level 5 award
- level 5 certificate
- level 5 diploma
- level 5 NVQ
Level 6 qualifications:
- degree apprenticeship
- degree with honours – for example bachelor of the arts (BA) hons, bachelor of science (BSc) hons
- graduate certificate
- graduate diploma
- level 6 award
- level 6 certificate
- level 6 diploma
- level 6 NVQ
- ordinary degree without honours
Level 7 qualifications:
- integrated master’s degree, for example master of engineering (MEng)
- level 7 award
- level 7 certificate
- level 7 diploma
- level 7 NVQ
- master’s degree, for example master of arts (MA), master of science (MSc)
- postgraduate certificate
- postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE)
- postgraduate diploma
Level 8 qualifications:
- doctorate, for example doctor of philosophy (PhD or DPhil)
- level 8 award
- level 8 certificate
- level 8 diploma
Key stage 2/3
- Age 10 to 14
Key stage 4
- Year 9 through year 11 – age 14 to 16
- Some students may need to extend GCSEs into year 12
Key stage 5
- Post 16
Categories: Education & Employment, Skills & Qualifications
Tags: qualifications