Cost of Placement

Who by? Carol Whittaker via SEN London Parents email list

Carol has generously given her permission for her comments, which were originally made in an email to the SEN London Parents email list.  These comments are directly from her experience and are mainly around the cost of placements and transport.

What is it?

This is an account by a parent based on her personal experience of the costs involved in a placement.

Why might it be of interest?

It can be very difficult to find the costs involved in a placement – the cost at the school, additional LSA costs, transport costs, etc.  So it is likely, when a parent is trying to use cost as a factor in the choice of school, that they will get it wrong – and therefore either undermine their case or not support it as well as they might be able to.

These figures are from 2021 so will be higher now but they give you a good baseline to start from.

The parent has added further information about negotiating for the placement you want which will be of interest to parents who do not want the placement suggested by the LA or have their own placement in mind.

Image of Jenny and Ewan standing in front of the power station Youth centre ahead of a health and well being event. They are both wearing grey rules T shirts hidden disability sunflower lanyards and holding their arms out wide.