Notes from a workshop about tertiary education options for young people post 16, including ‘work’ options such as supported internships and apprenticeships.
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Notes from a workshop about tertiary education options for young people post 16, including ‘work’ options such as supported internships and apprenticeships.
Notes from a workshop about tertiary education options for young people post 16, including work options such as supported internships and apprenticeships
This is a privately written report by a clinical psychologist from the Down’s Syndrome Association to support Sue’s application for a residential college placement for her daughter (19 at the time of the report).
Teresa Jones, Mencap, and Sue Robson delivered a workshop in January 2022, repeating in January 2024, about how to go about researching colleges. This document is drawn from the slides and speaker notes of that workshop.
This document is a planning tool for disabled young people who are at a residential college to support their return to home when their course finishes. It looks at preparing for employment, supported living, health and accessing the community.
It is written for those professionals who might be involved with your young person’s move from college to home – so that includes the college itself, social care, etc.