This document is a quick overview about what a Limited Capability for Work (LCW) or a Limited Capability for Work Related Activities (LCWRA) means for a person applying for Universal Credit
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Universal Credit and Employment Support Allowance are benefits for working age people who are on a low income or out of work. This may include disabled young people still at college. ESA is a legacy benefit so you can’t apply for it now but you may still be in receipt of it until you are migrated to UC.
This document is a quick overview about what a Limited Capability for Work (LCW) or a Limited Capability for Work Related Activities (LCWRA) means for a person applying for Universal Credit
A basic overview based on a Disabled young person in their 20s. I have left out information that is not relevant, or not likely to be relevant, to such a person. Therefore, these notes are not, in any way comprehensive.
Tags: package, social care, uc, universal credit
This document lists the descriptors and points allocated for each of the activities assessed on the Work Capability Assessment.
Information about when students and other young people can claim Universal Credit.
What is it?
This document has information about the protocol LBR follow with regard to the transition of young people in the following services: Education, Social Care, Health, Children Looked After and Transport. Like the Pathways document it starts at age 14 and goes up to 18 or 19 depending on the service.
What is it?
This document is a planning tool for disabled young people who are at a residential college to support their return to home when their course finishes. It looks at preparing for employment, supported living, health and accessing the community.
This resource is a clearly written guide to the Care Act. It’s full title is: How to get the right support from your local authority and is one of several useful guides produced by hft. hft is a long established charity supporting people with learning disabilities. They provide resources, such as this guide, and a range of services.