Social Prescribing
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Social Prescribing empowers you to take control of your health and wellbeing by connecting you to activities, groups and services in your community.
We work in partnership with Richmond GP Alliance to deliver Social Prescribing across Richmond Borough.
Link Workers can support you to meet new people and be involved in the community, improve your mental and physical health and increase your confidence and self-esteem.
Once a GP or other health care professional has made a referral to one of our Link Workers, they will meet with you to find out more about you and what you want to achieve or change. They focus on what matters to you and together explore opportunities in the local community that can help you feel better.

We can support you to:
- Find local groups and activities based around your interests
- Manage symptoms of anxiety, low mood or depression
- Be more active and improve physical activity
- Manage symptoms of a long term health condition or impairment
- Find courses, employment or volunteer opportunities
- Get information on finances, housing and legal advice
There are currently 14 Link Workers, who are based within GP Practices across Richmond. They are working with a group of practices who have come together to meet the needs of their local population.
"Social Prescribing helped me to find connection with others, a sense of belonging, a purpose, a place. I never thought I could do the things I have, never thought I was brave, but all of that has changed thanks to Esther's help."
Emma, Social Prescribing Client

Get in touch

Callum Harvey
Social Prescribing and Community Development Manager