Let's go!

Do you want to take control of your health and wellbeing?

We work closely with partners in Richmond to deliver a range of services to improve the health and wellbeing of those living within in our local community.

We all go through difficult times and understand that your health and wellbeing is affected by different factors. We also know taking care of your health involves more than just medicine.

Our Health and Wellbeing Services can offer you time to explore these issues, challenges and focus on what is important to you.

We work with anyone over the age of 18 registered with a GP in Richmond. You can ask your GP or Healthcare Professional for a referral.

Want more information?

Image of social prescribing client standing next to her link worker. They are standing next tot he Richmond Medical Group sign on a brick wall.

Image of a man standing next to a Ruils banner smiling and looking down at a leaflet he is showing to a woman standing next to him. The wall behind them is burgundy.

Social Prescribing

Image of an older white man with white hair and a black jumper sitting at a table with a white woman with blonde hair who is giving him a health cheque. He is smiling at the camera and the woman is looking at him.

Health in Your Hands

Image of Claire proactive anticipatory care coordinator standing in between two clients. They are standing in the lobby of a community centre.

Proactive Anticipatory Care

Image of two women speaking across a table at a health and well being fair.

Community Health and Wellbeing Programme

Want to find out what is on offer in your local area?

The Joy App is a database of services, activities and support available in your local area. It is free to make an account and you can contact organisations directly through the website to learn more about how they can help.

Image of a hand holding an iphone with the joy app pulled up on the phone. In the background there is a laptop with the joy app web version on the main screen.

Get in touch with our team:

Health and Wellbeing Services
