Let's go!

Do you have a child or young person with special educational needs or a disability and feel you need some help?

We can support you with navigating the overwhelming world of education, social lives, behaviour, home support and moving from Children’s to Adult’s services. Here at Ruils we run four Children’s Services to address the issues you might have.

Our team has a wealth of knowledge, with many having lived experience of bringing up a child with SEND. We will do our utmost to support you and alleviate stress, whether that be through our own services or by arming you with information about other organisations and services.

Not sure which service is right for you?

A selfie of Sue Martha Rachel and Alex, members of the children's team. They are smiling at the camera

Photo of client Blythe and her mum and auntie in a green grassy field with trees in the background.

Bright Futures - SEND Transitions

Parent Support Worker Surabhi sitting with client Jess and he daughter Lara. They are sitting in their front garden.

Family Matters

Image of Alex, SEND Advisor, sitting at a table in a cafe with a woman. He is writing in a notebook and she is speaking.

SEND Advice

Image of two young women smiling at the camera. Behind them are a field of ferns and other plants.

FriendBee - SEND Befriending

Image of a young boy playing a computer game. In the background is a man speaking with another boy seated at the same table.

SEND Minecraft Group

Meeting room full of people facing a man standing at the front presenting.


Get in touch with our team:

Children's Services

Which borough do you live in?