Let's go!

Do you want to feel more connected to your community?

Our Volunteer Befriending service connects local Disabled people with volunteers who visit them at their home or take them out into the community, combatting social isolation and loneliness.

Visits are usually 2 hrs a week and may involve a short walk, chatting at home or visiting community groups or a place of interest together. We carefully match our volunteers and clients based on shared interests and backgrounds, with the hope that a friendship will grow over time.

The service is open to adult clients who are Disabled, have a long-term health condition or barriers preventing them from socialising.

Image of a group of people who attended the Ruils wellbeing walk. They are seated around a circular table in the park.

My Befriender has brought a lot of light into my life, especially after a few weeks of feeling very low and being deeply depressed. I walked away feeling grateful and thankful for our time and for ‘you being you’. This Befriending has been a special journey and I want to say how much I appreciate Ruils and all of your support.

Befriending client

Get in touch

Image of a white man with dark blonde/light brown hair and a dark brown/grey short heard. He has blue eyes and is wearing black framed glasses and a navy blue blazer and a black t-shirt.

Gary Williams

Community and Volunteer Manager