CEO Cathy, supporter, Sue and rugby player Jason Leonard holding a cheque for £115,000 which has been raised at our rugby dinners over the years.
Four Ruils golf day participants standing out on the gold course. A woman is holding red and white balloons being used for the mulligans.
Our CEO Cathy wearing a white t-shirt that says "I'm working for independent living" with her arms out in the air. Behind her is a full room of people at the Ruils quiz night.

Ruils Champions





Ruils Champions

We are so grateful to this dynamic team of supporters who champion Ruils within their networks, facilitate events, support our fundraising and much more.  They open doors to new funding opportunities including our rugby dinner, our golf day, corporate sponsorship and corporate donations.

Could you leverage support for Ruils from your network and open doors which enable us to raise vital funds?  Get in touch if you’d be interested in becoming a Ruils Champion.

CEO Cathy, supporter, Sue and rugby player Jason Leonard holding a cheque for £115,000 which has been raised at our rugby dinners over the years.

Our Ruils Champions

Sue Dorrington

Ruils Champion

Sian Bates

Vice Chair

Guy Thefaut

Ruils Champion

Hugo Studholme

Ruils Champion

Jeanne Davey

Ruils Champion

Karen Prassas

Ruils Champion

David Prasher


Become a Ruils Champion