Let's go!

Leave a gift to Ruils

Remembering Ruils in your will provides valuable funds which mean that Ruils can continue its services, reach out to the people that need us most and develop new services for them.

We are very grateful for the generosity of all our donors who help to fund our projects and help more people have choice and control over the support that they receive. If you would like to leave a legacy to Ruils you will need to give instructions to your Solicitor and share our charity number, 1127896.  Please get in touch for more information on how to do this.

Two women sitting next to a coffee take looking at paperwork. Both are wearing glasses and have a cup of tea in front of them.

How do I leave a legacy?

A legacy is a gift of money, property or possessions left in your will. If you decide to give to a charity, the gift is currently tax-free so everything you leave will go towards the work of Ruils.

Making or revising a will is important and we recommend you seek independent advice from of a solicitor.

There are 4 different types of legacies:
1) A pecuniary legacy is a gift of a fixed sum of money. You can protect this type of gift from inflation by linking it to the Retail Price Index.
2) A specific gift is a tangible item such as a house, piece of jewellery, silver teapot or car.
3) A residuary legacy is a gift of the whole or a share of whatever remains of your estate after all other gifts have been distributed and any debts paid off OR
4) You can also ask people who care for you to make donations in your memory e.g. In lieu of flowers at your funeral.

You may want to support a particular project or activity. Over time our activities and our sources of funding change and an open legacy gives more flexibility to make the most effective use of your legacy. If there are binding conditions attached to a legacy which we cannot satisfy, Ruils may not be able to benefit from the legacy.

If you would like to remember us in your will, we recommend that you chat to your solicitor. They will be able to make the necessary changes.

Image of a Ruils red, black and white teardrop Banner in front of a red double decker bus at a recent access day.

Give a gift in memory

Donating in someone’s name is a wonderful way to honour their memory. Every pound will make a difference to a local person in need of support.

You can make a donation directly at our donate link, or ask your funeral director to collate donations to be donated to Ruils.  You will probably need to share our charity number which is 1127898.

Get in touch

Image of a white woman with long dark brown, curly hair, brown eyes and and beige top.

Carolyn Jones

Fundraising Manager