Let's go!

Your support can change the lives of local Disabled children and adults.

Every year we rely on donations to run our Counselling service and increase the capacity in our services supporting Disabled young people.

Are you able to make a regular gift to Ruils? Regular gifts enable us to plan for the future and be there for the people and families we work with, for as long as they need us. Local people need our help and with your support we can make a real difference to their lives.

You’d be amazed at how far a small donation will go. Here are some examples:

  • A regular gift of £2 per month will train a volunteer Befriender who will visit an isolated Disabled person in their home each week
  • A regular gift of £5 per month will pay for a trained advocate to have an initial meeting with the parent of a Disabled child to help them access the services their child needs to get the best possible start in life.
  • A one-off gift of £20 will buy seeds, plants and tools for our accessible allotment, which Disabled clients, and clients with mental health conditions, can plant as part of a weekly community group session.
  • A one-off gift of £257 will pay for a series of 12 Counselling sessions for a Disabled Person, or a carer of a Disabled Person, giving them a safe space to be heard and find ways to cope.