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Supported Internships – West London Alliance
Created: 08/07/2024, Bright Futures @Ruils
Who by? West London Alliance
Source: View/download article
Why might it be of interest?
If your young person is interested in a supported internship this document is a good place to start. You will find supported internship information on local offer pages and there’s a link to the relevant pages on the AfC website below.
This is a lot of information to wade through but it does follow a format and it should be clear quite quickly whether what the supported internship is offering would be of interest to your young person.
The format is:
- The name of the provider
- Their supported internship partner
- Where
- Who to contact
- No of placements
- Date of placement
- Acceptance and eligibility criteria
- What work experience opportunities are being offered
Basic eligibility criteria include:
- Young people with MLD
- Age 18-24
- Able to commit to the programme – usually 10 months, 5 days a week
- Have an EHCP
- Be an independent traveler or willing to undergo travel training
AfC – Supported Internship pages: https://kr.afcinfo.org.uk/pages/local-offer/information-and-advice/training-and-employment/supported-iternships
You need to keep your EHCP Case Worker informed but it is up to you to research potential supported internships and organise interviews, etc.
Categories: Education & Employment, Employment
Tags: supported internships