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Supported Employment Services
Created: 08/07/2024, Bright Futures @Ruils
Who by? Bright Futures @Ruils
Why might it be of interest?
Our very able young people may be able to find a job without additional support but for many of our young people going about finding a job will be a bit bewildering at the least – if not overwhelming. There’s a lot to consider – how to go about looking for a job; what job might you want to do; what are your skills, experience, likes; filling in an application form; attending an interview; asking for support in the workplace.
Supported employment services are there to help with any part of this – or all of it if that’s what a young person needs. They can help with thinking about what type of work, searching for work, writing a CV, completing an application form, preparing for an interview – or even attending with you, helping the employer prepare.
In RB Kingston the provider is the Working Well Trust: https://workingwelltrust.org/services/back-to-work/kingston-supported-employment-services/
In LB Richmond and Wandsworth the provider is Choice Support: https://www.choicesupport.org.uk/find-support/find-support-near-you/richmond-wandsworth
Hounslow: https://careplace.org.uk/Services/13788
Hammersmith & Fulham: https://aod.org.uk/employment-services/
Supported employment services will probably work differently from what you might expect. They will work with the disabled young person and at their pace – so you might feel that things could move more quickly but the young person wants to take their time! Opportunities are going to be more limited and the process won’t be quick – there might be a lot of work to build confidence and work out what a young person likes to do before a job search can begin
Categories: Education & Employment, Employment
Tags: supported employment