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School Transport – Useful Links
Created: 10/07/2024, Bright Futures @Ruils
Who by? Bright Futures @Ruils
Why might it be of interest?
School transport is a bit of a murky area! Whether a young person is eligible for school transport or not is often very unclear. There are many factors affecting the decision by the LA to provide or not provide transport including the age of the young person, distance to school, etc.
The duty on local authorities to provide free or subsidised travel support to students post-16 is not the same as for younger children. But an LA does have to have a published transport policy statement specifying arrangements for the provision of transport where it is necessary for facilitate attendance.
A young person is not automatically entitled to school transport because they have a disability or an EHCP. The local authority does not have to take into account family circumstances, for example parents’ working pattern which might affect their ability to take their young person to and from school.
On the following page are links to documents from other organisations about school transport, including LA policies and government guidance. They might help you understand the whole picture which in turn may help you make your decisions about which school to choose.
It is particularly important to be aware of and discuss any travel arrangements needed if your young person is changing educational setting. Do not assume that arrangements to your liking will automatically be made and especially take care if your young person will be attending a school/college placement that is not the LA’s first choice. Discuss travel arrangements alongside making the placement decision.
Down’s Syndrome Association – School Transport – Right to Transport
This is a document from the DSA about transport for 5-16 year olds. It’s not too long but it is clearly and well explained.
Travel to school for children of compulsory school age
This is a government document, updated in January 2024. It is long and not as easy to read as the DSA document but it is the current guidance to professionals and to parents.
Down’s Syndrome Association – Benefits Series – School and College Transport
I am including this document, another written by the DSA, as I feel they explain things very clearly. This is about transport for 16-18 year olds. The LA is not obliged to provide free transport to school/college for this age group but they do have to make arrangements to enable young people to continue their education which may include a charge to the family.
Post 16 transport and travel support to education and training – Statutory guidance for local authorities, January 2019
Another long government document! This is statutory guidance which means that local authorities must follow the guidance unless they have very good reasons not to.
From paragraph 29 onwards the document discusses what the local authority must have regard to when assessing transport arrangements:
- The needs of those for whom it would not be reasonably practicable to access education or training provision if no arrangements were made
- The need to ensure that young people have reasonable opportunities to choose between different establishments at which education and training is provided
- The distance from the learner’s home to establishments of education and Training
- The journey time to access different establishments
- The cost of transport to the establishments in question
- Alternative means of facilitating attendance at establishments
Paragraph 30 is about giving consideration to learners with special educational needs and disabilities.
Your local authority transport policy
Every local authority must have a transport policy which they update each year.
Richmond Travel Assistance Policy 5-16:
Richmond Travel Assistance Policy 16-25:
Kingston Travel Assistance Policy 5-16:
Kingston Travel Assistance Policy 16-25:
Wandsworth – I can’t find the actual policy but this is on their website for 16-18: https://wandsworth.gov.uk/schools-and-admissions/schools/schools-financial-help/send-post-16-travel-assistance-policy/
And this FAQ:
Hounslow – this is a link to a page with further links to school transport documents: https://www.hounslow.gov.uk/downloads/download/192/school_travel_assistance_policies
Ealing – this is a link to a page with some information and further links: https://www.ealingfamiliesdirectory.org.uk/kb5/ealing/directory/advice.page?id=lJzoIM8S5BU&localofferchannelnew=0
Categories: Education & Employment, School Transport
Tags: school transport