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Reasonable Adjustments in the Workplace
Created: 08/07/2024, Bright Futures @Ruils
Who by? Bright Futures @Ruils
Why might it be of interest?
Because there’s no absolute definition of what a ‘reasonable adjustment’ is it can lead to a lot of confusion about what it is and is not reasonable to ask of an employer. Employers are likely as confused as employees! Knowing a bit more about the law and what you can expect of an employer to accommodate your needs in the workplace can help you and your employer come to a better understanding and agreement of what they need to do to support you to do your job. These are links to 3 organisations and I think you will find their information very helpful:
- ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) – Reasonable Adjustments at Work (contains examples) – www.acas.org.uk/reasonable-adjustments
- GOV.UK for additional info on Access to work – www.gov.uk/access-to-work
- EHRC Employing people: Workplace adjustments – www.equalityhumanrights.com/guidance/business/employing-people-workplace-adjustments
If you need help in your workplace that goes beyond reasonable adjustments you might be eligible for the Access to Work programme and we have a document on the information hub about this government funded programme which offers practical and financial help to disabled people to get and stay in work.
Categories: Education & Employment, Employment
Tags: reasonable adjustments, workplace