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Preparing for Adulthood – Home and Away
Created: 20/06/2023, Bright Futures @Ruils
Who by? Preparing for Adulthood
Source: View/download article
Why might it be of interest?
Although this document is written with college professionals and social care professionals in mind the information it provides around the care act, mental capacity act and other pieces of legislation are things it is important families are familiar with. And where it has checklists of things to consider and current practice these can be really helpful to parents as part of their planning – and having specific questions to ask of the college and social care to ensure they are doing everything they need to be doing.
None of the planning for your young person’s move back to home can be effective without family involvement and having an insight into how college and social care might approach their planning – or perhaps that should be ‘should approach their planning’ – can only help you achieve a better transition for your young person.
You don’t have to read every part of it – you can quite easily scan through and only read the parts that are particularly relevant at any time. The guide also has links to other useful resources.
It may help you build your own transition back to home plan.
The NDTI (National Development Team for Inclusion) hosts a range of resources from Preparing for Adulthood: https://www.ndti.org.uk/resources/preparing-for-adulthood-all-tools-resources
Categories: Helpful Guides & Information