Outcomes – Good and Bad Examples

Created: 16/05/2023, Bright Futures @Ruils

Who by? Sue Robson, SEND Transitions Advisor, Ruils

Good examples of outcomes

  • To be clean and dressed appropriately for the weather
  • To maintain my relationships with friends and family
  • To have social contact with people of my age and enjoy activities which make me feel good
  • To give my family a break
  • Living “independently” in a supported environment
  • Participating and making the most of all opportunities in family and community life
  • Learning skills that will lead to meaningful work
  • Maintaining employment or a voluntary role – supported in a mainstream environment
  • Developing skills and routines that will enable me to keep my home clean and tidy
  • Attending medical appointments and maintaining a healthy life
  • Participating in exercise classes on a regular basis to support a healthy life

Bad examples of outcomes

  • To have a PA 5 hrs a week
  • To use my Direct Payment to pay a PA
  • To go horseriding once a week

Categories: Adults, Social Care

Image of a young woman's seated in a wheelchair watering the garden and an allotment with the support of her personal care assistant.