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New School Transport Guidance September 2023
Created: 19/09/2023, Bright Futures @Ruils
Who by? Special Needs Jungle, Eleanor Wright SOS!SEN
Source: View/download article
Why might it be of interest?
This review of the new guidance clarifies some of the points around transport for children and young people with SEND. It refers to the Equality Act 2010 where the duty not to discriminate on the basis of disability is outlined and to the guidance from the government (link above). This is a review – so you will probably need to refer to either or both Equality Act and the guidance above.
The transport guidance still conflicts with case law in places but Eleanor believes that this new guidance does succeed in clarifying the guidance and that there are elements that will be of help to parents who are having to fight to make their LA comply with transport obligations.
Equality Act 2010: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/15/contents
Guidance: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/equality-act-2010-guidance