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Local College Overview – from LB Richmond
Created: 26/01/2023, Bright Futures @Ruils
Who by? Bright Futures @Ruils
Why might it be of interest?
When looking for a local college for your young person actually being able to get there each day without a long journey is going to be an important consideration. The aim of this document is to give you an overview of the colleges accessible on a day basis from LB Richmond and a flavour of what they offer and the student profile.
You will have to do the more focussed research but the information in this document may help you cut the list down before you get started.
Colleges in this document
- Wemms
- Syon Manor
- Great Oaks
- Green Corridor
- Roehampton Gate
- Ambitious
- Merrist Wood
- Orchard Hill
- Orpheus
- Beyond Autism
- Xavier Centre
- West Thames
- South Thames college group
- Aurora Centre
- Kingston College
- South West Thames
- Carshalton College
- Merton College
- Richmond College
- Capel Manor
- Nescot
Age: year 4 up to 20
Location: Long Ditton, Surrey
Who is the school for: students who are not comfortable in a typical school (large buildings, big classes, noise, etc) and working towards GCSEs and A-levels
From the school website:
- Special school with 121 and small group tuition
- No open days – visit on a normal school day (pref without yp for first visit)
- Holistic approach with a wide range of trips and experiences to help build resilience, social skills, and flexibility
- Core subjects: Maths, Statistics, English Language, English Literature, Modern Foreign Language, Science, History or Geography
- Optional subjects: second languages, humanities, City and Guilds Building Studies, other subjects to create a well-rounded education
- Formal SLT and OT are NOT part of the package
- Download the brochure for easiest access to information about the school
Key Stage 4 (years 10 and 11, 14-16, GCSE years)
- Students are prepared to achieve EBAC status in 7 subjects including Maths, English Language, English Literature, Double Science and a Modern Foreign Language, History or Geography and Statistics
- The school offers a range of second languages and further humanities and art
- PE includes a range of options but as it is a small school not large team games.
- All KS4 students attend PSHE and further courses for pleasure are available
Key Stage 5 (years 12 and 13, 16-18, A-Level years)
- Students are encouraged to continue with some form of Maths and English
- A Levels are offered in History, Economics, Government and Politics, English, History of Art, French, German, Russian, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Maths and Further Maths
- BTECs offered in Health and Social Care, Business Studies and Animal Management
- Further subjects to help prepare students for life in the real worl
Syon Manor
Age: 16-24
Location: Isleworth
Who is the college for: Specialist college for autistic young people with additional learning needs
- May have social, emotional, mental health or behavioural difficulties
- May have specific learning disabilities such as dyslexia
EHCP: likely to have an EHCP
From the college website:
- Offers academic, vocational and life skills – including BTEC, GCSEs, Functional skills, ASDAN accreditations
- Developing the necessary personal, social and work-related abilities towards employability or independence across a range of subjects and skills including catering, functional literacy, numeracy and ICT, Image in Action, independent living skills, social and vocational skills and fitness, as well as Lego therapy and art as therapy.
- In house team includes SLT, OT and other therapeutic staff
- Small class sizes
Roehampton Gate
Age: 7-19, 75 students
Location: Priory Lane, Roehampton
Who is the school for: Independent, specialist day school for young people with high functioning autism
EHCP: Not indicated on the website
From the school website:
- Simple school layout and small classes
- Post 16 programme focuses on employability, team working and social skills
- Students can study for GCSE and vocational skills
- Extensive grounds and close to Richmond Park
- Therapists on-site, including OT and SaLT
Green Corridor
Age: 16-25
Location: Stanwell Moor Road, Hillingdon
Who is the college for: Young people with SEN with an interest in the topics offered by the college and who have struggled in a mainstream environment and who need additional support to get into the world of work
From the college website:
Green Corridor is a registered charity and approved Section 41 Post-16 Specialist Education Provider for young people with an EHCP, aged 16-25 with Special Educational Needs (SEN). Our study programmes are individualised to the needs of each learner to prepare them for education at the next level or for employment. All learners have access to regular one-to-ones for emotional and wellbeing support alongside our Enrichment Programme and support into employment.
Courses offered in horticulture and catering and hospitality. Functional skills, such as English and Maths, are embedded throughout the day and incorporated into lessons. Teaching is in small groups.
Horticulture: Working towards a BTEC in Practical Horticulture and supported with functional skills and the enrichment programme to work towards GCSE grade 4.
Catering and Hospitality: working towards BTEC level 1 and level 2 award in Home Cooking Skills. Working towards a GCSE grade 4 in functional skills.
Great Oaks
Age: 19-25
Location: Gresham Road, Hounslow
Who is the college for: students with moderate, severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties, including autistic students
From the college website:
Great Oaks College aims to provide education for students that have severe and complex learning needs and for students whose needs could not be met within a specialist provision at a mainstream college.
3 pathways: Vocational; Life and Living; Engagement for Life
- Students will have an EHCP
- All students receive a package of SaLT and OT
Vocational: 2 courses for students who want to pursue employment and have demonstrated that this is a realistic option; offered as a general taster for students who don’t know what work they will do and as a more focussed course for those that do. Both courses include classroom days and work experience days. 4 career options: Cafe and Retail, Catering, Facilities Management and Horticulture.
Life and Living: 2 courses for students who need to develop the skills for living as independently as possible – accessing community groups, supported living, volunteering. Community based learning with classroom tutorials across English, Maths, ICT and PSHEC.
Engagement for life: for learners with complex physical, sensory and cognitive needs. 2 year course supporting students to access the world around them and make purposeful decisions.
Ambitious College
Age: 16-25
Location: Co located with West Thames College, Isleworth
Who is the college for: students with ASD
From the college website:
- Functional skills included throughout the curriculum
- The curriculum reflects the 4 pathways of the Preparing for Adulthood agenda: employment, independent living, better health and friends, relationships and community
- 5 pathways: Discovery and sensory exploration; Preparing for employment; Developing independence skills; Vocational studies; Supported Internships
Discovery and sensory exploration: Supporting young people make sense of and interact with the world around them. Additional therapies and a strong emphasis on communication.
Preparing for employment: Exploring a range of vocational employment opportunities enabling learners to develop employability skills through practical tasks and work placements.
Developing independence skills: Supporting young people to develop their self-help skills leading to as independent a life as possible after college.
Vocational studies: Delivered through the co-located partner colleges, our local college being West Thames College. The mainstream college assesses the students with support from Ambitious for entry onto a mainstream vocational course and they will continue to receive support from specialist staff.
Supported Internships: For young people who want to work in competitive employment. A typical day includes classroom instruction and working in the workplace.
Merrist Wood
Who is the college for:
Mainly animal care, tree management and agriculture focussed studies
- Offers courses from Foundation level, SEND and Level 3 Vocational courses.
The SEND Programme has 2 pathways:
Tier 1: Pathway to Exploration: This programme provides for individuals with profound and complex learning difficulties including sensory impairment, physical disabilities and severe medical conditions.
Tier 2: Pathway to Independence and Supported Work: This is a programme for individuals with severe to moderate learning difficulties who want to continue to build on essential skills for living, employment and community.
Foundation studies: Foundation programmes support learners to progress onto vocational career pathways within Activate Learning. A Level 1 Foundation qualification is an accredited and widely-recognised qualification. Level 1 is split into tiers, aimed at learners who may have been disengaged from learning, underachieving, or who are unsure about their study choices.
During the one- or two-year programme, learners are able to try different vocational options or specialise in a chosen subject area. Students also develop employability skills and continue their studies in either GCSEs or Functional Skills English, Maths and digital literacy where required. The programme includes citizenship and personal and social development, as well as work experience opportunities.
Vocational Courses: A range of work-based qualifications across many industries at Levels 1, 2 and 3, with each curriculum designed by businesses to help you get into work. Students will gain real-life experience in facilities that have been specially designed to replicate real work environments.
Orchard Hill
Age: 16-25
Location: New Malden
Who is the college for: additional learning needs
Orchard Hill is a group of colleges offering courses to young people aged 16-25 with additional learning needs. For Richmond and Kingston residents our local college is in New Malden – the Beaconsfield college on the website.
Foundations Skills for Life: for students with an EHCP who have special educational needs and require additional support. College is 4 days a week, Monday to Thursday from 9.30am to 3.30pm. A young person’s programme will be working towards the outcomes in their EHCP.
Skills for Work and Living: students will have an EHCP and attend college 4 days a week from 9.30am to 3.30pm. As part of the programme students will choose a vocational pathway.
Workstart courses: a package of employment courses to gain work experience and qualifications.
Age: 18-25
Location: Godstone, Surrey
Who is the college for: aged 18 to 25 with a learning and/or physical disability with an interest in performing arts
EHCP: no mention on the college website
Day / Residential: Day placements with a supported living option
From the college website: At Orpheus we use the arts as a vehicle to promote learning and personal development. We teach a diverse curriculum that covers the arts, independence and employment skills. We offer a range of qualifications working with awarding bodies such as Ascentis, Trinity College, LAMDA and the London College of Music. Students learn a variety of skills, from cooking and personal finances to accessing the community and managing personal support.
Programmes are primarily comprised of a Major – dance, drama, creative arts, media studies and music where they spend two full days enhancing their expertise and passion in their chosen subject area – but also feature Enterprise, Company Day, Independence Pathway, Functional Skills English and Maths, Tutorials, wellbeing and therapy sessions and plenty of additional enrichment outside of the daily timetable.
Orpheus does not offer a residential option but they do have supported living flats on site to enable students to begin their journey towards independent living.
Beyond Autism
Age: 19-25 with an EHCP and
Location: 3 hubs across London: Baron’s Court in Hammersmith; Enterprise Way in Wandsworth and Riverside Hub on Enterprise Way in Wandsworth
Who is the college for: students with a diagnosis of ASD or related communication difficulty and who have the appropriate age, skills and behaviour for the available placement
From the college website: The college uses the principles of Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) to underpin teaching strategies. Teaching is personalised to the individual and the curriculum model integrates community and class based learning.
Xavier Centre
Age: post 16 to 18 or 19
Location: Co-located with Richard Challoner school in New Malden
Who is the college for: students with moderate learning disabilities
From the school website: Students in The Xavier Centre study a range of subjects including Functional Skills English & Maths, ICT, Life Skills, Work Skills, Art and Food Skills. They take part in weekly Travel Training lessons designed to build their road safety skills, use of public transport and accessing facilities in the local area.
West Thames
Age: 16-18, 19+
Location: 2 campuses in Isleworth and Feltham
Who is the college for: students with learning disabilities, ASD
EHCP: Yes for Supported Learning courses
Applications for a place in Supported Learning require the young person to have an EHCP and the consultation must come from the LA – you cannot apply online or directly to the college
Can support students in mainstream classes or through their supported learning program: https://www.west-thames.ac.uk/courses/supported-learning
From the college website
Key Facts:
- Residential trips to activity centres and local visits using public transport
- Excellent facilities, which encourage students to integrate with the mainstream college but also provide separation. Sensory room for students with complex and profound disabilities
- Drama workshops to increase confidence and personal development
- Students can run a coffee shop or play football in the Surrey LDD League.
You can find links to the 6 study routes for young people accessing supported learning. I haven’t included the details as these seem to be subject to change!
It is not clear from the website whether students on a Supported Learning course are able to access mainstream classes, although they may progress to mainstream courses.
Support for students age 16-18 on mainstream courses
Mainstream courses for students age 16-18 include are offered in a wide range of topics and leading to a variety of qualifications enabling students to go onto higher education or into employment.
The college has specialist staff to support students with disabilities and/or learning difficulties and can offer individual support packages according to need. This includes:
- Extra 1:1 Literacy or numeracy with input from specialist staff members
- Small group and/or in-class support
- Specialist equipment and/or software. Adapted materials and/or furniture
- Adapted curriculum and/or modified assessment arrangements
- Specialist support (British Sign Language interpreter, sighted guide etc)
- Mentoring
- Counselling
- Transport for curriculum related trips
For more information on support available to students who have additional learning needs read the college’s information brochure here: https://www.west-thames.ac.uk/images/Special_Educational_Needs_Local_Offer_Information.pdf
Support for students age 19+ on mainstream courses
Mainstream courses for students age 19+ include are offered in a wide range of topics and leading to a variety of qualifications enabling students to go onto higher education or into employment.
Courses are offered as evening classes, part time or full time study.
The college offers a number of free courses for students age 19+
- English and Maths GCSE and Functional Skills
- for students who do not already hold grade C/4 or above at GCSE in English and maths
- Essential Digital Skills
- support for adult learners in developing modern digital skills for everyday life – make the most of your mobile phone, apps and other digital services
- Entry to Level 1 courses
- Free for students aged 19-23 and 24+ who are unemployed or meet low wage criteria
- Level 2 courses
- Free for students aged 19-23 who do not already have a full Level 2 or above qualification or aged 24+ who are unemployed or meet low wage criteria
- Level 3 courses
- Free for students aged 19-23 who do not already have a full L3 or above qualification
National Skills Fund Level 3 Offer
In addition to the above, many of our Level 3 courses for adults are FREE if you meet the eligibility criteria. These courses will be FREE for students aged 19+ who have no prior Level 3 qualifications
Higher Education
West Thames offers HNC and HND courses (Level 4 and level 5) which you apply for via www.ucas.com.
Ambitious College is co-located with West Thames College on the Isleworth campus and students at Ambitious may access, with support, classes in the main college
South Thames College Group
The South Thames Colleges Group consists of Carshalton College, Kingston College, Merton College and South Thames College.
There are three main pathways for learners requiring additional learning support:
- Study programmes with learning support
- Supported Learning (discrete provision for learners with learning difficulties and disabilities)
- The Aurora Centre for students with autistic spectrum disorder and complex needs
- Our group of Colleges can support you in three different ways: in-class support; out of class support; and exam concession assessment.
Aurora Centre
Age: 16-25
Location: based at Merton College in Morden
Who is the college for: students with moderate to severe learning disabilities
The Aurora provision is South Thames Colleges Group’s specialist, non-residential FE centre for young adults with moderate to severe learning disabilities who may have Autism, behaviours of concern or complex support needs.
The Aurora provision contains eight learning areas and is situated predominantly in a quiet area on the College site, adjacent to attractive parkland. It has its own dedicated entrance, a garden, kitchen, laundry facilities, and large greenhouse. It has access to a dedicated common room and quiet area and allows students to select their preferred area for lunch etc.
Foundation Learning / SEND
Age: 16-25
Location: all locations
Who is the college for:
- Foundation programmes are for one year
- But a 3 year progression programme will built according to student needs
- Classes are usually delivered over 3 days a week, 34 weeks a year
- But students may attend between 1 and 5 days a week depending on the pathway
- Students can join at any time during the year
- Approximately 10-15 students per class with a key tutor and learning coaches according to student needs
- Students can access all college facilities and are encouraged to do so
- In house therapy team
- Each programme has a combination of communications, social, independence and employability skills, including work experience
- Groups work towards entry level functional skills or GCSEs
- Literacy and numeracy skills are embedded throughout the wider curriculum
- Programmes at various foundations levels
Kingston College – Foundation Learning / SEND
South West Thames – Foundation Learning / SEND
Carshalton College – Foundation Learning / SEND
Merton College – Foundation Learning / SEND
Mainstream courses
Each college offers a range of courses at varying levels for students age 16-18, adult and professional courses.
If you have an EHCP additional support is available including:
- In class support
- Exam adjustments
- Specialist software
- Social skills groups
Richmond College
Age: 16-18 and 19+
Location: Langhorn Dr, Twickenham TW2 7SJ
Who is the college for: this is a mainstream college for young people moving from school at 16 and for adults following further education courses
EHCP: Required for some courses
From A levels to a wealth of career focused vocational programmes ranging from level 1 to level 3, we will help you to open the doors to your future. We’re industry focused and dedicated to helping you get where you want to be - our lecturers have worked in industry and our courses are aligned with careers. Our wealth of state-of-the-art facilities go beyond classrooms and include a commercial restaurant and theatre, art and design workshops and studios, performance rehearsal spaces, science labs, a STEM Centre and modern campuses in central locations.
16-18 year olds: a huge range of subjects and courses at a number of different levels.
19+: a range of professional and personal development courses for people over the age of 19. Includes Access to Higher Education and Higher Education courses as well as short courses for personal development such as ESOL. Students with an EHCP do hot have to pay course fees.
Inclusive learning support: the college has a team of specialists to support students with additional learning needs with experience in supporting learners with Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism, Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder, sensory and physical needs, moderate and severe learning difficulties.
There is a range of additional support from support in the classroom, 121 teaching sessions, accessibility software – full information on the link above. Students should disclose their additional support needs at the application stage ideally.
Students with high needs – an EHCP – who are accessing mainstreams courses should indicate on their application that they have an EHCP and a written copy will be needed for the interview stage so the college can best advise on what they can provide. The Local Authority should also contact the Additional Learning Support Manager to request a placement consultation. Students will be given a provisional offer of a place until the college is able to formally agree to meeting their needs as required in the EHCP.
Supported Learning: RuTC has a department dedicated to students with special educational needs. The aim is to prepare students for life outside of education and to help them to integrate into society, whether that is to travel or live independently, find employment or develop communication skills.
The college appears to offer 3 one year courses for 16-18 year olds and 19+. Depending on the course young people might study functional skills in maths and english; work experience; independent living skills; working in the college’s café and learning garden.
Apprenticeships: Apprenticeships are for anyone 16+ who would like to combine studying with paid work leading to nationally recognised qualifications. RuTC have a range of apprenticeships at varying levels from level 2 up to university level.
Admission enquiries for all courses: admissions@rutc.ac.uk.
Capel Manor
Specialist environmental college
Age: 16-18 and 19+
Location: Gunnersbury Park
Who is the college for: People who want to work with animals, plants and the environment
Students at Capel Manor will be immersed in a hands-on, creative and practical outdoor learning environment. They offer courses in a range of environmental subjects including Animal Management, Arboriculture, Dog Grooming, Horticulture, Conservation.
The college offers Foundation Learning courses at Entry 3 and Level 1 in Land-Based and Environmental Studies. Over 80% of Foundation Learning students continue at the college, progressing onto one of the vocational pathways. Students study functional maths and english and undertake practical and theory work. Students will need to have achieved Entry Level 2 literacy and numeracy (approximately a Year 8 level).
Age: 16-24 full time foundation learning; 16-19 full time education; apprenticeships from 16; 19+ part time and short courses
Location: Reigate Road, Ewell
Who is the college for: this is a mainstream college for young people moving from school at 16 and for adults following further education courses; foundation learning courses for students with additional needs
EHCP: Yes for some courses
Nescot provide on-going, tailored support to support students to be successful in their learning. Students with learning difficulties or disabilities have a choice of pathways:
- Mainstream courses with access to learning support following assessment for learners meeting the relevant entry requirements
- Courses for students who have mild to moderate learning difficulties and/or disabilities and those who have no formal qualifications or are not in education
- Foundation Learning for students with moderate learning difficulties offers a supported learning environment in Seasons Learning Hub providing pathways into supported living, volunteering or employment
The college will need to see the EHCP if a young person has one to ensure they can meet needs. They may request information from parents/guardians, school, support providers and other relevant professionals to make sure that the appropriate support can be put in place before you start at College.
To find the range of courses for foundation learners click on Find your course; tick 16-19 full time as the Course type; click on Foundation Learning for the Subject to get a list of course offered at Entry Levels 1-3, including supported internships.
To find out more about what help can be offered to students on mainstream courses but who have additional support needs: https://www.nescot.ac.uk/about-nescot/student-services/send-information/. To navigate to this page on the website click on Student Information; Student Support; SEN D Information (in the panel on the right of the screen).
Categories: College Information, Education & Employment
Tags: college, local, natspec, specialist
