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LB Richchmond Freedom Pass Application Form
Why might it be of interest?
Children and young people over 5 years of age with a disability can apply for a Disabled Persons Freedom Pass. The eligibility criteria are the same regardless of which London borough you live in but the questions might be in a different order or slightly differently worded.
Many of our young people will automatically qualify because of a learning disability or inability to walk far or to plan or follow a journey – the eligibility criteria are included in the application form.
The Freedom pass allows free travel across London (with some time restrictions) and on most bus services across England. It is for the disabled person only – there are no concessions for the accompanying carer (although some bus drivers will let carers travel for free).
Have a look for our document in Social and Personal for more information about the Freedom Pass. Interestingly, more able young people may also be eligible for a Freedom Pass – if they would be unable to take a driving test or pass it!
If you are a resident of another London borough you can find links to the relevant pages here: https://www.londoncouncils.gov.uk/services/freedom-pass/disabled-persons-freedom-pass
Categories: Helpful Guides & Information