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Finding Work – NAS Resource
Created: 08/07/2024, Bright Futures @Ruils
Who by? National Autistic Society
Source: View/download article
Why might it be of interest?
We all know that disabled people are less likely to be in work and in a job that they want to be doing than non disabled people. There are a lot of barriers to overcome.
This resource is aimed at autistic people so the introduction is all about understanding autism. But some of the practical advice and guidance will be relevant to many of our more able young people to help them think about what they want to do and how to go about applying, interviewing and generally getting ready to be in the workplace.
You might also be interested in this offering from Ambitious about Autism: https://www.ambitiousaboutautism.org.uk/what-we-do/employment/toolkits/transition-to-employment-toolkit/download
This is a guide you can download – giving your name and email address – which has advice and guidance for professionals and for young people moving into employment.
Categories: Education & Employment, Employment
Tags: Employment, work