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Direct Payments for Children
Why might it be of interest?
Below are a few links to information available on the Contact website about DPs, personal budgets, needs assessments which might be helpful if you would like to explore having a DP to provide your young person’s support.
A DP is generally only available to young people who are eligible for services from the Disabled Children’s team so you might also like to look at our file about the eligibility criteria as the bar is set pretty high.
FYI, when our young people turn 18 they may be eligible for support from Adult Social Care and it doesn’t matter whether they had a service from a children’s team or not. The assessment is quite different and the bar for services is lower. We have information about the eligibility and process under Adult Social Care.
Links to Contact for DP information and advice:
Needs Assessment: https://contact.org.uk/help-for-families/information-advice-services/social-care/how-to-access-services/needs-assessments/
Personal budgets and direct payments: https://contact.org.uk/help-for-families/information-advice-services/social-care/how-to-access-services/personal-budgets-and-direct-payments/
Carers assessment: https://contact.org.uk/help-for-families/information-advice-services/social-care/how-to-access-services/carers-assessments/
Social care: https://contact.org.uk/help-for-families/information-advice-services/social-care/
Categories: Children's Social Care, Social Care
Tags: direct payment, personal budget