Basically a list of some resources that might be helpful for young people on the autistic spectrum when looking for work. It includes information about supported internships.
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Basically a list of some resources that might be helpful for young people on the autistic spectrum when looking for work. It includes information about supported internships.
Tags: asd, autistic, Employment, jobs, work
Choice Support is the supported employment service commissioned by Richmond and Wandsworth to provide support to disabled young people looking for work.
Tags: Employment, jobs, supported employment
Choice Support has been commissioned by Richmond and Wandsworth local authorities to support people with disabilities in these boroughs to find work.
This is a link to their easy read leaflets
Tags: easy read, jobs, supported employment, work
This is a link to the Choice Support referral form – the organisation commissioned by Richmond and Wandsworth to provide a supported employment service.
Tags: jobs, supported employment, work