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Chelsey is a Social Prescribing Link Worker for the Hampton Primary Care Network: "I started assisting with the vaccination programme for Hampton, which took place at the Greenwood Community Centre. It was an amazing effort by all and there was a wonderful sense of hope and unity. It was a joy to see some the clients I have been working with and to see my fellow colleagues at the surgeries that I work with.

The vaccine itself was very complex in its preparation and I was able to observe how this was done. The GPs themselves were so motivating and full of praise and support. I felt very proud to have been there and part of it."

Rachelle, also a Link Worker, has been supporting the vaccination programme in West Twickenham. "Personally, I have found it to be such a heart-warming experience. People were incredibly grateful to receive the vaccine and we had lots of fantastic feedback from patients. Some patients had not left the house since March. I can't imagine how it must have felt for them. In West Twickenham they have now vaccinated around 1800 patients, which is an incredible number."